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Hi - I'm George Place,

Author & Founder of The Underdog Curve. I help underdogs overcome disadvantage & thrive. 

In this video, I share how I became the 'underdog guy', share insights into my personal adversity, and explain why I'm so passionate about turning Underdogs into Credible Contenders. 


My early life was one you wouldn't wish on anyone - filled with verbal, emotional, and physical abuse all while moving around the country, going to 11 schools, and enduring constant bullying, hunger, fear, and unimaginable living conditions. At seventeen, my childhood adversity culminated with a traumatic car accident which had a television show created about it (see the video here)
However, over the last few decades, I became the first person in my family to graduate High School, enjoy a successful military career, before going on to graduate from college (Cum Laude) with a Finance degree.
Since then I have started and run successful businesses and managed financial services organizations for some of the nation's top Homebuilders. I took the last subsidiary I started from $0 to $5 Million in <2 years.

Then, in 2023, I burned out. The corporate games and politics became too much. To top it off, the relentless stress sent me to the doctor twice before I realized it was time to make a change.

So, I quit my high-paying corporate job as a Company Officer and Corporate VP for a public company and decided to completely redesign my life - focusing on meaning over money.

I‍ wrote and published a book ("The Underdog Curve"), started this company, and promptly moved to South America. 

Now I run a global business that helps underdogs transform personal adversity into the Story, Relationships, and Performance necessary to become Credible Contenders. 

When I'm not working on the business, I'm spending time with my toddler, doing Crossfit, training Jiu Jitsu, writing, or actively advocating for Underdogs.

A Few Underdog Topics...

I'm passionate about helping those who have suffered adversity figure out how to effectively overcome their trauma and navigate the Social, Internal and External aspects of showing up like an underdog. 

Specifically, I can help you rewrite your story, improve your relationships, and perform in ways that help you stand out and compete for the best opportunities in your personal and professional life. 


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